Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Gerald Celente: The USA Will Be Soon Finished. Empire Decline: Fall Of The USA: Freedom Watch
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ten Minutes to Make The Change by Investing In the Perfect Business
Think about it: In Robert Kiyosaki's words, and he's right! :
The dollar, over the last 40 years, is designed to lose money every year. So why would anyone want to save something that loses money? Instead we must make the change in values that will allow everyone to understand the critical necessity to become Investors!
The number one asset a person can build, and the smartest thing to do, is build a business. Then continually invest in that business. Because, the reason so many businesses fail is people fail to continually invest in their business.
Gather up a good system [JOIN US!], a good network [or create one], and the smartest people you know to help grow a business [which, by the way, would benefit everyone involved].
One of the beauties of making the shift into Network Marketing as a 'B' and 'I' quadrant opportunity, is that it can be done at a very low price. Once people see the core value of being on the right side of the quadrant you are unstoppable. So teach it and become unstoppable.
Why Network Marketing? vs. A corporate held job?
1. Low start-up cost.
2. It is something you own.
3. It passes on to heirs or beneficiaries.
4. It can be sold, transferred, or borrowed against.
5. It provides training and support for as long as it takes to transition.
6. It provides income for Life.
7. It is an asset, and assets appreciate in value.
8. If you know you are ready to make that change, the perfect business is
Network Marketing!
Join us in being the generation that tells everyone what is critical for them to know, and why it is necessary for everyone to make this change. The magic is afterall, in the telling and not the selling. Contact Us Today!
The dollar, over the last 40 years, is designed to lose money every year. So why would anyone want to save something that loses money? Instead we must make the change in values that will allow everyone to understand the critical necessity to become Investors!
The number one asset a person can build, and the smartest thing to do, is build a business. Then continually invest in that business. Because, the reason so many businesses fail is people fail to continually invest in their business.
Gather up a good system [JOIN US!], a good network [or create one], and the smartest people you know to help grow a business [which, by the way, would benefit everyone involved].
One of the beauties of making the shift into Network Marketing as a 'B' and 'I' quadrant opportunity, is that it can be done at a very low price. Once people see the core value of being on the right side of the quadrant you are unstoppable. So teach it and become unstoppable.
Why Network Marketing? vs. A corporate held job?
1. Low start-up cost.
2. It is something you own.
3. It passes on to heirs or beneficiaries.
4. It can be sold, transferred, or borrowed against.
5. It provides training and support for as long as it takes to transition.
6. It provides income for Life.
7. It is an asset, and assets appreciate in value.
8. If you know you are ready to make that change, the perfect business is
Network Marketing!
Join us in being the generation that tells everyone what is critical for them to know, and why it is necessary for everyone to make this change. The magic is afterall, in the telling and not the selling. Contact Us Today!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Two Choices We Face
Want more MLM Prospects for your business? Ever thought about trying this...?
Wealth-Builders Always INVEST, All-Others Just SPEND
"One reason so many people fail to achieve great wealth in any business is simply that they fail to reinvest continually in the business" Robert Kiyosaki
So investing is the way....whether it is Real Estate, a business you don't have to slave over, or paper(stocks,bonds, etc)--Heck, all of it. When we invest, we use the same dollar over and over, and as our returns increase so does our investment amount which increases our return again. On & On. Spenders use up that first dollar and it is gone. Might as well have lit a match to it. Analagous to buying vs. renting a home. And with a network to tap into which most people already have in place, you could have access to the most misunderstood but most powerful tool ever to be experienced!
So investing is the way....whether it is Real Estate, a business you don't have to slave over, or paper(stocks,bonds, etc)--Heck, all of it. When we invest, we use the same dollar over and over, and as our returns increase so does our investment amount which increases our return again. On & On. Spenders use up that first dollar and it is gone. Might as well have lit a match to it. Analagous to buying vs. renting a home. And with a network to tap into which most people already have in place, you could have access to the most misunderstood but most powerful tool ever to be experienced!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
All Wealth Builders INVEST, All-Others just SPEND
All Wealth Builders Invest thereby receiving a multiplied return, All-Others just Spend never to see it again.
I started my financial wealth thinking with reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Investing is the way..whether it is Real Estate, a business you don't have to slave over, or paper(stocks,bonds, etc)--Heck, all of it. When we invest, we use the same dollar over and over, and as our returns increase so does our investment amount which increases our return again. On & On. Spenders use up that first dollar and it is gone. Might as well have lit a match to it. Analagous to buying vs. renting a home. And with MLM, the most misunderstood but most powerful tool we could ever experience? We just add people to our team and apply leverage to the dollar we are investing, not to mention our time. I think it comes down to this: MLM is an INVESTMENT VEHICLE. Although there are many investment vehicles to choose from,--there is only ONE I think that provides consistent results (large income), reaching the no-turning-back able-to-retire point over a short amount of time (4 years or less), at a great return on investment (7-12%), & is planned out over the next 100 years. Obviously it will extend beyond our own lifetimes and benefits will have to reach into the next generations. On top of that it only takes new money (relatively small amount) to make an initial investment just the once. Then teach it to all you know and meet. So, Invest in Your Future! Make the Change! Join Me so I may show you.
I started my financial wealth thinking with reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Investing is the way..whether it is Real Estate, a business you don't have to slave over, or paper(stocks,bonds, etc)--Heck, all of it. When we invest, we use the same dollar over and over, and as our returns increase so does our investment amount which increases our return again. On & On. Spenders use up that first dollar and it is gone. Might as well have lit a match to it. Analagous to buying vs. renting a home. And with MLM, the most misunderstood but most powerful tool we could ever experience? We just add people to our team and apply leverage to the dollar we are investing, not to mention our time. I think it comes down to this: MLM is an INVESTMENT VEHICLE. Although there are many investment vehicles to choose from,--there is only ONE I think that provides consistent results (large income), reaching the no-turning-back able-to-retire point over a short amount of time (4 years or less), at a great return on investment (7-12%), & is planned out over the next 100 years. Obviously it will extend beyond our own lifetimes and benefits will have to reach into the next generations. On top of that it only takes new money (relatively small amount) to make an initial investment just the once. Then teach it to all you know and meet. So, Invest in Your Future! Make the Change! Join Me so I may show you.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Partner With Me & Gain Faster Success
A Simpler Way To Achieve Your Financial Goals With Wholesale
By: Joe Maldonado
You want to make big money online, right? Well, who does not? But its sure you are one of them. The wholesale business is an exciting and tough business, just like any realistic business owner who has made a living from wholesale would share with you on unanimous votes.
What can you do as a new and rising entrepreneur to earn more money, faster and intelligently? Well, everyone has a different opinion, but having earned $1,000s online I can share my experience and my logics with you. Whether it is a wholesale video games business that you want to start or a start a condom store outlet, it does not matter as long as it has demand and you apply the following tips to achieve faster financial success.
Get a partner! This is the simplest form of divided energy we can employ if we are to start a wholesale video games business or any wholesale merchandise business in a business perspective. Having a business partner has numerous benefits, among the first ones; it allowed me to earn $1,000s when I started on the internet.
For you as a new business owner, it basically can mean the same thing if you choose your partner or, multiple partners correctly. While you may be starting on the internet, there may be already established business owners that believe partnering leads to faster financial freedom and faster income. It is just logical, think about it!
With a business partner you can divide energy expenditure, you can divide funds for marketing purposes and to name just a few, you can have another brain to conclude on continued profitable ideas from your main business goals. It is clear, partnering can lead to faster and simpler way to financial freedom or to the very least, get you to achieve your financial goals in optimum time.
You do not want to partner? That is unfortunate because of the benefits it brings, but if you are into total 100% control, cash-flow is the game if you want to go on your own. While partnering with a business friend can lead to faster success, being on your own still has numerous advantages that might be ideal to you too.
Among the wholesale business benefits and general internet advantages of being on your own is that you do have total control of your business. That is number one. Second, you got to have a steady and comfortable cash-flow to delegate your work if you are to financially succeed in a big way. Marketing a 500 word article alone that makes sense and provides value to a visitor may take up to 30 minutes according to your writing skills, but what happens with; video marketing, classifieds, Pay-Per-Click and all the other venues of acquiring big traffic?
You have got to delegate if you are to go into business on your own, continue to be educated and updated about your wholesale merchandise business, whether selling video games or condoms. Again, it does not matter! Want to go in business on your own and make all the profits for yourself? There are step-by-step instructions for such situation. Want to partner, another set of steps? Want to make more money out of wholesale? Just keep doing your own intelligence diligence, you may find exactly what you are looking for in the first place, guidance.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

FREE CD Ditch the 40 Year Career Plan
For A
4 Year Career-To-Retirement Plan
Say your Oxy63-ID#180797839 sent you!
Pet Insurance- Earn cash for your Referrals!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Oxyfresh in Review
Oxyfresh—Why Home Based Opportunities Could Secure Your Financial Future Better. An Oxyfresh Review
Oxyfresh a home based business opportunity is a most interesting business at the moment to take a look at. Well, internet whizz kids and sports heroes may be grabbing all the headlines and the hypes, but home based Multi Level Marketing (MLM) currently holds the aces.
Paul Zane Pilzer, an economist and best selling author observed in his recent book that the wellness industry is creating more millionaires now than at any other time in history.
Meanwhile, virtually all the companies in this sector distribute their products via Direct Selling and Network Marketing. As a result, the independent distributors or network marketers are having a field day.
Why is Network marketing so appealing now! Why? Here are several reasons. For one thing, most people are just now realizing that it just doesn’t make any sense to work for 40 years only to retire on & #8531; (one third) of what was never enough in the first place.
And for another, stock investment has proven once again to be a high stake game you should only play if you have a crystal ball and can read it well! As for real estate, well, take at look at the market? The real estate market is a major loss at this time houses are selling for only a fraction of what they where worth a few years ago
Now throw in a unique brand of business leaders, coaches, and a powerful wealth building system of residual income through multi level marketing. What you get is a brand new home business opportunity that takes peanuts to start, but which easily catapults thousands from minimum wage jobs to earning millions in a matter of a few years.
Indeed network marketing and home based businesses have taken the global economy by storm. Meanwhile many companies involved in direct selling are exploring ways of bringing network marketing opportunities into the mainstream.
Oxyfresh for example has set for themselves the goal of making network marketing income opportunities as popular as and on equal footing with, say, equities or real estate investments.
They have designed a unique MLM business plan that should generate monthly residual income throughout a distributor’s lifetime, and even beyond—yes, it can be bequeathed.Oxyfresh is a 25 year old company. They manufacture health and wellness products. They also offer distributors a chance to create financial security for themselves.
Log on to see for yourself on the calculator portion and have fun.
As a distributor, you are expected to emphasize the high quality of Oxyfresh products that you are using and types that others are already using only acquiring from somewhere else. The company believes—correctly—that direct sales products have to be better than what you can buy at a store. They must be unique in some ways, and should engender consumer loyalty. It is reported that most of Oxyfresh’s sales revenue comes from repeat patronage—consumers who have been loyal to their products for 10 to 20 years.
If you are thinking about taking a look at this opportunity here is some fact that you might be interested in. The company believes that network marketing is a people business, where success is predicated on how many dynamic and loyal people you’re able to attract.
This means that as a network marketer you should want to learn how to develop good communication, leadership, enrollment, sales, and attraction skills. These are some of the personal development skills that will help you build a strong network marketing business.
Oxyfresh enrollment costs $35. But at the moment it’s free at 21Ten. After your enrollment you’re required to purchase any of $250, $500, or $1000 Starter Packs. Each comes with products and other materials to get you started on the Oxyfresh home based business opportunity.
Oxyfresh endeavors to run and grow their company in ways that enhance the reputation of direct marketing, they being a member of Direct Selling Association. Their distributors are warned against making claims about the products or income opportunities that the company does not make. Integrity and responsibility are two traits Oxyfresh distributors are encouraged to exhibit.
Is this network marketing opportunity for you? Interestingly, the economist we cited earlier equally stated that “there’s still time to get in on the ground floor and make your fortune in the wellness industry”. He pointed out that the vast majority of opportunities in this sector favor the individual entrepreneur.
It would be fair to for you, if you are interested in MLM to look for ways to cash in on the vast home based business opportunities that are in the health and wellness industry.
But remember no matter what MLM company you decide to work the key to success in any company is learning how to market yourself and generate daily leads.
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